Old Candies

Friday, April 8, 2011 | |

Spread by James Turrell (2003)I don't know why you're smiling. With a grin so devious and your eyes so senile, you know you're about to collapse. You've been so focused on building this and that. What an empire you've created, of dust. And dust you will become, too, eventually. The hourglass stands strong, so you say. But so did all the souls who have come before you. And I ask, where could you possibly be going? There is nothing beyond. Your legs exhibit the pride of a warrior, or so you claim. But you've deliberately shadowed it. You're ashamed of them. The very feet you fault for having outpaced all the people around you. So long. The bridges you've crossed and the hands that you shook have been severed. You speak of confidence. All I see is arrogance, besieged against your weakness.

Listen to my words while you still can, for it might be just another mile or two before you'll even lose me. I'm a friend. You might disagree, but I'm trying to help you. Stop and reflect. I don't know what you believe but it doesn't make sense you ought to be doing what you are doing. Especially alone. You insist though. That will become your end-all. Hubris, that is. You deny, but even if your denial were true sooner or later you will become the captive of your soul because of it. I know it. But I suppose there's no point arguing with you. Such ill-witted large wall you have around you. Strong you may be. Yet you're tired and thirsty. Come back awhile and I'll throw a new linen on your bed. Flocculent, just as you like it. It's the least I can do. You can see there's no harm in that. Yet still, you insist you move forward. Into a void.

Have some of those candies at least. The ones in your pocket. You are weak; those ought to give you extra mileage. They look awfully delicious, too. The journey is tedious already, you could savor those up. You've earned it. Plus, eating them ought to lighten up your burdens too. You don't need to carry them with you forever. Candies are cheap; they shouldn't be valuable anyway. Your life is more valuable, am I wrong? Just eat them. Eat them already! This is the last advice I'll give to you!

Who cares if they're old?! Candies don't expire. I don't understand this! You'd rather risk dying than eat those candies and give yourself a better chance ahead. What could be so valuable about those candies?! They're just damn candies! Would you rather die than eat them?! Are they that important?! Are they worth your life?! Are they worth dying for?!


Spread by James Turrell.