
Thursday, March 17, 2011 | |

10cm is a 2-piece Korean indie band. The name originates from the difference taken from the individuals' heights. That is, one person is 10cm taller than the other. Though they are considered indie music, they've already established their place in the charts as one of the rising talents. Since their debut in 2010, they've been featured in M-net, concerts, and even won few awards with modest profiles. For those who can read Korean, here's their cyworld page and the Korean wikipedia feature. For those who can't read Korean, just wait few more months for the wikipedia page to be translated. Heck, if no one translates it I probably will.

The title of the posted video loosely translates into 'It's a dark and lonely night'. Some awesome music video eh? Another video I recommend is Americano.


Anonymous said...

I love the lyrics!

How brave to sing so confidently on a bus.