Be Right Back

Saturday, September 24, 2011 | |

Hello blog, it's been a while since the last time we've talked. Before I say anything, I wanted to apologize for what I said to you before. I may have taken you for granted and you may have felt used, adulterated, and perhaps obsolete. None of what I said was true and I hope you can forgive me. I'm grateful that you selflessly post up anything I want to, without a fight. I know that some things you want to keep between you and me, and sometimes it works or sometimes it doesn't. But I'm thankful anyhow for your keen understanding and the times you've spent with me, inspiring me to explore and write, letting me sort things out and untangle personal issues and dilemmas, always inviting me to much-needed solitude and tranquility, and being patient while we spend countless hours on failed pieces. Sometimes we'd have to invite and because we couldn't figure some stuff out on our own. I know you hated that, sharing my attention between 3 or 4 of us but you always appreciated me. Thank you.

Unfortunately, I must ask of you for something. Something urgent. I will be very busy till December and I'm afraid I won't be able to blog much. I may drop by and post fashionable pictures or comics now and then, but I'm afraid I will no longer have the luxury to sit down and converse with you. I will come back to tell you all about it though. But until then, I hope you'll be patient with me. Once again, thanks.


derek said...

december eh???

Issac Rhim said...

yep.. =T

Eleonora said...

will miss ya,,, what dreading deadline are u expectin in Dec? graduating?)

Issac Rhim said...

thanks. i'll be posting though, just not as obligatorily. heh. i'm working on my (more) grad school application. i graduate next june.

are you graduating this term? deadlinessssss... arrrrrgg