SNU Fine Arts & Design Degree Show (Part 1)

Sunday, December 5, 2010 | |

The Seoul National University's Colleges of Fine Arts and Design are currently exhibiting students' work throughout the Fine Arts buildings, building 220, and the SNU Museum of Arts. I took the liberty of going out on a stroll with a camera since the College of Fine Arts is directly adjacent to my lab building. And to my bewilderment, the exhibition is huge! And the amount of talent and the level of executions are stunning. Majority of the pieces are somber in nature but variety of expressions nonetheless. Some pieces were original while others weren't. But I especially thought they did a fantastic job of curating and managing spatial organization. Here are some photos, but I assure you these photos don't do this exhibition justice one bit!

Click here for higher quality slideshow!


minus black said...

this is nifty. i like the chupachups one.

Issac Rhim said...

yea. talented young'n.
there's another series of work the student did if you look through my second post. you'll notice the resemblance.

minus black said...

very cool -- a different angle with a twist.