Everyday Runways Everywhere

Sunday, November 28, 2010 | |

I don't have many blogger friends. I have a couple. So it'd be only natural that I don't get to talk much about blogging, or ever. But as a blogger I keep up with number of other blogs. Some of the blogs I read are tech-gadget review blogs, architectural blogs, or photography blogs, and of course, my friends'. But I have one blog that I absolutely adore, and in times when I need to garner inspirations and gender mood-lifts, I visit it. It's the source to all the pictures above. It's a fashion blog by a professional fashion photographer Scott Schuman, aptly named 'The Sartorialist'.

The reasons why I love this blog are twofold. One, Scott redefined fashion when he took his cameras out into the street and ascertained that fashion exists in all forms and places. A democratic solution to a near-plutocrat world that most people assume disconnection from themselves. And two, due to my curiosity and interest, mainly for exploring what fashion has to offer and my preferences for them. And if fashion is about intention, then the above are samples of intentions that I find most attractive and persuasive. Mostly simple and minimalistic, proper in color, covert linings, subtle but fair proportions, and engaging. Of course, I wouldn't be able to pull-off most, if any, of those looks. But nonetheless, they're visually enticing to look at.


deulhee said...

realy??? i think you COULD actually pull off these looks :D

actually the second row, second one has the same haircut as your brother! hahah

hope YOU are doing well, my dear! we miss you GREATLY and hear that you're enjoying yourself a LOT over there?

Issac Rhim said...

thanks =) i'm enjoying myself thus far.
i miss vcc too, greatly so.