Seoul Lantern Festival

Tuesday, November 16, 2010 | |

G20! Seoul Lantern Festival was hosted at the Cheong-gye-cheon, a highway-turned-canal which runs right through the heart of Seoul. It was packed, full. And if you know me at all, I usually avoid places like these. If you can imagine a field electron emission, or the phenomenon of electron ejections in high electrical fields, I'd be the first electron to free myself from the rest of the electron crowds. But I really needed to get out of the campus. I've been at the campus for more than 2 weeks straight. So I thought it'd be better to trap myself in an unfamiliar place rather than this familiar, 3-by-3 concrete cell which I call my room.

It's hard to call this art, in my opinion. But at the same time, they're still sculptures. I guess this is what commercial art looks like. No artists made visible, with no intention other than to entertain the viewers. No real substances or meanings involved but simple crafts repeated over and over again. Nothing controversial. It'll just become small talks around the water fountain the next day at work or school. I despise the fact that such exploitation had taken place, but it did stir up small talks and social gatherings. It was a dating venue for some, homework-free night for some kids. I mean who knows? Maybe a boy confessed to a girl for the first time in midst of this event and set off a whole new life.