Diet Coke

Saturday, November 13, 2010 | |

These are the second batch of the photos I've taken on a Saturday afternoon at my campus. These made to the selection but didn't quite make it to the top. Kind of like how diet coke is considered coke, but it isn't really coke. There's higher quality photostream available here!

It's nearing winter and I haven't had the chance to roam around with my camera until this week or so. I finally feel as though I'm settling in, at Seoul Nat'l University. It's been over 2 months since I came and I now feel comfortable in my own skin; and perhaps, that was all the more reason that encouraged me to take my camera out for a stroll and explore. Explore the world outside of my skin. Relieve myself of the energy spent on tuning and readjusting my internal equilibrium, so I'd be able to focus on the external backdrop and enjoy it as well.

Seoul Nat'l University campus is huge. It's about 4 times as big as my previous university, University of Toronto. SNU sports a sizable space at about 1.4 km-square. That's about the size of 270 football fields adjoined together. And mind you, that measurement is considered a conservative estimation which doesn't factor in the forest- or landscapes around the campus. But surprisingly, the student body size, about 26,600, is about half of what it is currently at University of Toronto.

So yes, the campus is modestly colossal. I didn't find this feature attractive when I first came here, but it's been growing on me. I wish that meant that I was physically getting larger so in relation the campus would be getting smaller. But no. It just means I'm getting used to walking and becoming more familiar with the campus. Lame. But aside from its size, the fall season really brings out the mountainscape of the campus. The soft crushes of leaves under your feet, spades of colours swaying in the wind, and the bittersweet scent that fades away along with the fallen leaves. And November is the last month in its series of visual cacophony before yielding itself to winter in December. It all makes everything seem special, but only until next year when it goes through the cycle again for the 4,542,284,957th time.

Shostakovich. Violin Concerto No. 1 in A.


ilovefall said...

...and we will appreciate it again even though it has happened 4,542,284,956 times before.

i love the nature pictures.