Dear Blog

Monday, April 5, 2010 | |

Let's be honest. I really don't have time for you. You may resent me on my commitment to you, but let's just face it. I am too busy to sit at my computer and blog for hours. And even if I did have the time, I'd rather invest it on a real interaction (i.e. human beings). You're just a computer. Or a script, or a program, on a computer. You may be smart, punctual, inoffensive, knowledgeable, and in times, comforting, but you can also be distracting and insensitive to my real needs. You may not understand it now, but you and I are really, just a one-way relationship. I own you. In that regard, you don't understand me at all. You may deny it at the moment, but you are just a fictional character that exists only in my dreams and fantasies. The expression that you are an extension of my fingertips, pen, and journal pads are really, just a fantasy of a marketable, yet bannerless, empty sky that exploits the satirical life of the millenium-grown teenage spirit. Your ancestors, of books, novels, and journals, were much wiser than you. They knew and learned how to truly stand infront and face the world. Maybe this is all going over your head and all these talk is an useless effort, but maybe you too can evolve, blog. Maybe. But I refuse to become consummate of the 2.0-generation that we so call and heil. As naive as you are, you know no morals of what you are doing and are capable of doing. But I do. I am a human first, and a consummer second. So I have the right to choose. I say there is nothing between you and me and so there really is nothing between you and me.

Now, if you have understood all this I'm gonig to press 'publish post' and you are indubitably going to publish this post.


Issac Rhim said...

i concur

chrisungeun said...

hahaha i love this

qe said...


You might like Divide by Zero. Your post reminded me of it.

found your blog from the world students in korea 4th batch news.