Hello There

Sunday, December 13, 2009 | |

Few words about the picture. Few posts ago, I took a shot of paper pieces of the London Eye, or the ferris wheel, Eiffel tower, and if you could've made it out from the photo, the Opera House. It was for this greeting card. It's quite silly when I think about it. I was making greeting cards without the intention of, say, greeting people. But to be fair, I must say I was tired of greeting cards that came with pre-etched greeting lines. Happy birthday, happy anniversary, congratulations, thank you, and so on. Same boring lines, just different days. So the piece you see in the picture is one of my attempts at creating a card that conveys much broader usage in whatever the occasion, or even occasion-less, but without losing the details and sensitivity towards endearment that cards are meant to portray. Or so I hope.

Well, everything's almost over. For those who know, I'm shuffling through applications. I'm applying for master of architecture. I'm also in the process of moving. I'll be working in Daejeon, Korea, from January to June in a research facility. Oh! Something funny.

So, the place I'll be working is called KRIBB, or Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology. But there is a couple of spelling errors. The name itself has one error, and name on the website has another, different error. Can you spot what they are? Koreans and their fobbiness, ha-ha.

I thought it was cute.

I'm also doing last minute studies for the GRE, Graduate Record Examination, which is part of my application. I'm also trying to get my portfolio ready, which by the way, the above piece is part of. You didn't think I would make greeting cards for fun, did you? Of course not. My ideal leisure time mostly goes onto watching black and white movies, mainly because I've ran out of good movies in colors to watch. Or take my camera for a stroll, or shred on my guitar, or watch fashion show runways for those occasional half-naked women in lingerie, because fashion is not merely subject of a corporeal examination but a highly intellectual artistry that requires sophistication of the senses and the personification of skilled individualists, expressed through its interplay of threads.

Ha-ha, I'm kidding about the fashion thing. The latter part, that is.

But, yes, in conclusion I am busy. And I suppose I will be very busy in the future as well. So I'll take a short leave and say bye for now. Bye! But I'll say hello as well, for next time. Perhaps, it'll be next year by then. Who knows? But by saying hello now than then, I'll feel more obligated to come back sooner than later. Well, not obligated per se. A sense of anticipation I suppose. So without further a due!

Hello there.


derek said...

so you takin a break from writing dude?

Issac Rhim said...

haha yea, short break.

chrisungeun said...

whoa... cool stuff!

s said...

come back. come back.