Mecha Moe

Friday, November 20, 2009 | |

This is the epitome of nerd-dom. Definition of 'moe' from the urban dictionary states:

The new meaning of 'moe' is entirely caught up in issues surrounding hobbies and taste. Specifically, 'moe' means be attracted to a specific character or its specific partial element and to have a favor feeling toward it. 'Moe' suggests the condition of being infatuated with one character or thing and implies an image of someone burning with desire. The picture becomes clearer when we hear the frequent use of 'moe' referring to specific elements or characteristics, such as 'weak girl moe,' 'young lady moe,' and 'glasses moe.' The meaning of 'glasses moe' refers to a taste that is taken with a character who wears glasses; furthermore, this taste fetishizes the feature itself of glasses-wearing. In this case, glasses are the 'moe' element.

Image sourced from


Anonymous said...

It's Mecha, not Mecca.

Issac Rhim said...

Thx. Now corrected. :)