Yu-Na Kim

Friday, February 26, 2010 | |

It was right after lunch, 1 in the afternoon, when the streets became silent in Korea. All cars stopped, all transactions stopped, all pencils dropped. All eyes were fixed and all fists were tensed. The only movements were the flickers from the TV screens. It was Yu-na's turn, and Korea was cheering, silently. Everytime she jumped, our hearts jumped with her. We held our breaths in fear and in concern, but unbeknownst to man she was already a winner.

I wonder whether she won because she is simply superior than her competitors, or because she genuinely loves skating and understands its joy. Because out on the rink, she seemed like she was really enjoying it. In fact, she seemed like the one having the most fun.

Pictures from naver.com


derek said...

She actually lives around my area and she also makes like $8mill a year. But ye def. skilled.