Against the Grain

Saturday, February 6, 2010 | |

My life is pretty simple. I go to work. It's not an easy job. Actually, that's an understatement. It's a pretty tiring job, and at the end of the day my brain feels as if it's been fried, or as if it's been almost incinerated. Most of the time at work, I wish I had a doctorate in chemical engineering so I could understand what the heck they're talking about. Anyways, I don't mean to complain. Life doesn't yield at your convenience. So, I finish work around 6, give or take an hour. Then, on 2 of the 5 weekdays I tutor English. Rest 3, I try to catch up on e-mails, blog, read some news, watch movies, or just hit the hay right after dinner. And, weekends? Well, it's only been my first week at work so I'll see what happens on weekends.

Banana milk.

I doubt it has any real banana substance. It's all sugar, food coloring, and artificial flavor. But I love it and it never fails to put a smile on my face. Perhaps, I love it and drink it based more on its sentimental value. I remember when I was a kid, whenever I saw banana milk or stir-fried potatoes on the streets I'd instantly pull out my wallet. The only difference is that I've grown taller and I don't carry a wallet anymore. Well, another difference is that it used to cost ₩600. Now it costs ₩1,000, but I still buy it gleefully, indifferent to the mere ₩400 increase. It makes me happy.

Ah, I can't wait till the weather casts its rainy spell in the summer. With no sun in the sky, I feel as though it'll be easier to lift my head.


deulhee said...

looks like you're super busy! and yet you've been blogging quite frequently. 대단하시네요~

ps do you do research in korean?

Issac Rhim said...

everything's in korean. but i research it in english. all my notes are in english. later, i just have to do an extra step and translate my notes into korean when i talk.

Jeymee said...

It's 딸기우유 for me. As soon as I land in Korea before I leave the airport, I head over to the terminal convenience store to buy one and finish it in 2 seconds.

The research work sounds challenging but I am sure you are doing awesome! :) 화이팅.

deulhee said...

that's crazines!! your korean is awesome!!
good luck and i'm uber glad you have time to photograph + blog !!

chrisungeun said...
