
Friday, January 29, 2010 | |

In-Sa-Dong is the esteemed district likened by tourists and artists alike. Located at central Seoul, this small neighborhood hosts numerous art galleries, souvenir shops, traditional tea shops, boutique and specialized trade shops, ceramic stores, restaurants, and used, vintage item markets. Comparably, unlike many other districts I've visited thus far in Korea, In-Sa-Dong is thoughtfully designed. From buildings to its interiors with warm tones, from narrow but open streets that are vehicle-free on weekends to a department store building that spirals up as you circumnavigate, although you could walk roundabout the entire district in less than an hour, it's filled with hundreds of shops that could stall you for hours on end if you care to explore attentively.

The above is a picture of a traditional date tea my friend had. By date, I don't mean two people's rendezvous, but the fruit.

I wish I had taken more pictures, but unfortunately I forgot to recharge my camera and the battery died half-way into my journey. Ah, such is life. I guess now I really must go back, for the sake of photography. This is unfortunate. Another trip to In-Sa-Dong? Yes, quite tragic. Oh, so tragic.


deulhee said...

nice photos (as usual >.<)!

i don't think i went to insadong when i went but this makes me want to go ^^

what's the top picture of? did you buy anything??

Issac Rhim said...

the first picture's of a shop display of cell-phone accessories of miniature handbags in bottles. the ones that you hang/attach on your cell-phones.

i bought few stuff, but most of my spendings was on food. hah

Jeymee said...

you are such a tourist, yo. hahaha
but i love insadong too :)

chrisungeun said...

k go back with your camera.

Issac Rhim said...

haha sungeun. how.. instructive? of you
i will definitely go back when the weather warms up a bit

derek said...

dude im likin the last pic. The colors are so warm. Nice nice composition.