
Wednesday, January 13, 2010 | |

The above picture is the view from my apartment. It's possibly the worst photography I've posted here. Wait for it. Yes, it's been confirmed. It's been selected as the worst photography on this blog.

Oh sparrow, stop chirping!

Although I'll be leaving here in a half-year again, this is my home. Daejeon. A small city in the country side of Korea. A contrast in juxtaposition of tall buildings and farms is vivid and common. Horizons and verizons are laced haphazardly, but the consistency in this disorder throughout the city lends itself to a strange poetic stance. The air is humid. It softens the wind unlike the piercing winds at Canada, but the air here envelops you full, all around. The soil is covered with snow and the streets are cached in ice. It seems as though the Koreans were ill-prepared for the snow storm that had occurred just few days before I arrived. But it's alright. I like snow and the perks that come with it.

I'm happy. And if you inquired how I'm feeling ever so politely, I might even reply as how a 7-year old would say it. I'm happy! But strangely, I'm not in a celebratory mood. The prospects of meeting new people and making new friends are pleasant, but I miss my friends and my brother back at Canada. And I think to myself, I might have to repeat this process few more times in the future. This ambivalence is uneasy yet I can't complain. Who could I complain to? That's right. No-one.

Sometimes you've just got to bite your lips and watch your life unfold.

I don't want to sit idle though. I have a plan or two up in my sleeve. And they're very long sleeves. Oh yes, very long sleeves. Mu-ha-ha-ha-ha. A-chu! It's really cold here in Korea.

I'm on the look-out but still no pink elephants to be seen. Better luck next month! Over and out.


s said...

"consistency in disorder": i like that thought, and apparently so did einstein.

fourth paragraph: my feelings exactly, except substitute brother with sister. not only is there no one to complain to, but i think, in the end, there is also nothing that truly warrants complaint.

deulhee said...

i'm glad to see that you're in a place where you can see a patch of land NOT covered in high rise buildings and apartments!

alicia said...

the photo isn't THAT bad. it's just... boring.

how are u enjoying your new work?