Midnight Blues

Monday, December 7, 2009 | |

This is a picture of one of the udons I made. I prefer to have udons in cold, winter midnights with a comfort blanket. And watching anime. Well, anime's the traditional way to do it, but I mix it up a bit now and then. Classical music's cool, too. Nowadays I enjoy listening to Liszt's heavily melancholic pieces, sometimes sounding as if the devil wrote the pieces himself but with poignant sense of beauty, pure essence, and fantasy.

Ah, everytime I listen to classical music I get the urge to pick-up my violin again. And I should. I would like to play few concertos before I die. Too ambitious? Maybe I'll buyout an orchestra just so I can play few pieces with them. Or bribe them. Ha-ha.

Elgar, Brahms, Dvorak, Schumann, Rachmaninov. I like.

Sometimes I like to just lie down after a meal and picture a wine in my hand (because I don't want to really drink and get drunk 7 in the evening), and wave with my other hand as if I'm the conductor and the invisible baton's really just a paintbrush, but for painting sound.

Mmm, I remember when I was still a kid I used to trace the raindrops on the car windows as if I were moving the water with my fingertips. And I would occasionally leave a mark or a signature of some kind after I blew steam onto the window, as all kids do.

Mmm, I must finish this essay before the midnight dawns on me. Schizophrenia as a topic anyone?


deulhee said...

5 comments from deulhee :)

1. where were you on sunday, mister?
2. mmmmm udon *drools*
3. i didnt know you played violin!
4. you should download a concerto accompaniment. i used to blare the accompaniment while playing one - it was quite thrilling
5. liszt is gorgeous but rachmaninov i find too heavy. i'm personally a schubert fan

ps. good luck on the essay!

Jeymee said...

Winter udon! mmm

Issac Rhim said...

1. at church, in spirit.
2. hopefully you're not drooling on MY udon
3. yea i played violin. got pretty far.. it's the main reason how i picked up the guitar really fast.
4. i want the audience! the stage! the hall!
5. schubert eh? i've only heard his piano pieces, i think they were sonatas. fairly colorful. i prefer deep and fuller sounds =). it happens that lot of my favorite composers are romantics. but yes, liszt has amazing compositions. he manipulates scales and progressions as if they were nothing..

haha, i still remember the 돈까스

chrisungeun said...

yo, we should play duets! :)