Dear President Obama

Tuesday, December 1, 2009 | |

Is is true that tomorrow at 8pm you plan to go to West Point and announce that you're increasing the troops in Afghanistan? Are the rumor and speculations true? Is it true that you're going to take the advice from General McChrystal and decide to spill more blood of the innocent and soldiers alike? I understand that there's pressure to comply with the extreme Right-wings who have always been hostile towards you, so of course you'd like to be mindful and show favor, but that can't be the main reason, can it? I also heard that the CIA and the World Bank were fundamental benefactors of the poppy seed plantations before the Taliban gained control of Afghanistan, but that has nothing to do with this, right? There are less than 100 Talibans left and with the WMD now understood as a myth, there's no more need to stain this sacred Earth with the blood of more innocent civilians, soldiers, and more soldiers that's rumored to be sent, right? It can't be true that you're going to turn a blind eye and ignore the majority of American citizens and believers around the world who had so much faith in you when you first came into presidency, right? With this single speech, you have the power to turn the young, hopeful generation, such as myself, into disillusioned cynics and once again prove that the world cannot change. But this is all just a rumor, right? Please, tell me it's not true..

It's not true. It can't be true, right?

It's true after all. Why, oh why..

Photo taken from google


deulhee said...

one of the reasons i was cheering for him is now gone.
how sad.

Jenny . said...

Obama = Bush