Dream Storm

Wednesday, November 25, 2009 | |

I remember about a year ago I was riding the subway one day. It was a usual week day, just finishing up class and heading back home in a fairly cold November weather. I was standing by the doors near the center of the train cart, listening to my iPod. But then, I saw someone I knew from my high-school sitting at one end of the train. She was crying. I could see the tears from afar. And even if she weren't crying at the moment, I knew she had been crying before, hard. I wasn't a close friend with her nor did I talk to her much, but I remember thinking and hesitating whether I should go say hi. Maybe I could help. But another part of me stopped myself, reminding myself that if I were in her shoes I wouldn't want to run into anyone. And I kept standing there, hesitant and undecided, also wondering why she might have been crying. Perhaps she just got out of a relationship, perhaps she had a serious argument with her parents, perhaps she had a fight with a friend of hers and she was hurt, and so on.

In the end, I didn't do anything. And to this day, I wish I had. Even just a simple 'Hey, are you okay?' would've been good enough, presuming a stranger's role.

Ah, rather would I had my train of thought crash than to have been idle. Anything but that. Prayer should I have recited however softly spoken, doubting uncertainties not. Backwards I can speak, but it will bring the chance back not. Stop.

Aye, the night's getting old and I'm growing tired. I'm slowly falling into my dreams. Closer, closer. My thoughts are beginning to leak.

Ah, yes. It's the 37th of Decembruary in the kingdom of Pluto. It's a cold, bitter day and there's not a life in sight. Everything's blanketed in gray and the planet's asleep. But there's a deserted ice-rink and a man skates alone. He performs few loops, a jump, then a one-foot axel. Then, he comes to a halt. He seems troubled and he stands idle for a while. Suddenly, he starts breathing heavily and he jumps. He jumps really, really high. Wait, it's not a jump. He's flying. He's flying in the sky and the clouds welcome him. He stretches out his arms and a school of sky-fish join him but with an abrupt horn of the mule-whale all the fish are scared off. He reaches into his skates and pulls out a telescope. He blows on it and immediately the Orion belt falls and joins him in the sky. With each star illuminating and exuding tremendous amount of color gas, all the life in the sky comes alive. Soon the stars begin to diminish but it burns brighter and brighter until they become nothing. He thanks the stars and says a brief farewell. He continues to soar through the skies until he sees an iceberg mountain that has reached the heights of skies. With his skates, he lands on the iceberg mountain ever so gently. The mountain rumbles, gives a whistle, and three tunnels appear. From it, we see a pair of blue doves, a pair of red doves, a pair of green doves, and one yellow dove appear. The blue, red, and green doves gather around each other and begins to encircle the yellow dove. They chant a lullaby and once they're done, they brush each others' beaks. They all give a gentle prayer of praise and there's an explosion. Ice dust fogs and covers as so far as the mountain top, but then out of explosive spectacle flies off a single white dove. The dove joins him and sits on top of his right shoulder. It gives a joyful crackle and softly nibbles on the man's right ear. The man welcomes the dove as his friend and puts his hands together. It's time for him to leave. The dove understands, but is deeply saddened. It sheds a tear as it looks into his eyes. He quietly gazes back with a smile. Then, boom. The man explodes and there's an enormous gush of wind. The dove can barely pilot its way in the explosion. The storm lasts 3 seconds, then we see the storm of air travel in all directions of planet Pluto. There's a vibrant burst of colors and there's life again. All the sky-fish come out to play once again. Supernovas in the sky give birth to millions of stars. The ice melts and the animals breathe again. Alligators, zebras, and koalas all come out to play. Beams of sun envelop the Pluto ground once again and both of its moons join the party. The dove watches all these events unfold in joy. But in a short moment, the dove wonders where the man has gone. It desperately searches and yearns for his presence. But there's not a trace of the man. He had turned into stardust, for it was his wish to preside in all living things. The dove finally understands and once again, it sheds a tear.

Stardust, he became.

We seek him, yet we are the very stardust.


Anonymous said...

Hello. I really enjoy this blog, and I think you are an excellent photographer.

Issac Rhim said...

hello anon. thanks, glad you enjoy it. it's really encouraging to hear. =)